Cryogenic and Vacuum Systems is scientific enterprise that participates in many diverse AND GREAT activities:


From May 2019 to August 2022 our company together with RTU Institute of Aeronautics executed the ERDF Project No. “Prototype development of transportable in multimodal traffic mobile space testing facility Metamorphosis” 
According to the project requirements the prototype should be installed in RTU AERTI hangarIt was tested in intermodal transport over 2000 km with maximum accelerations of 12g⸱ The “Metamorphosis” test facility prototype was designed and developed 
⸱ The “Metamorphosis” test facility prototype was designed and developed
⸱ It was tested in intermodal transport over 2000 km with maximum accelerations of 12g
Finally it was removed to workshop and provided full-range 40 days thermal vacuum tests of actuators with thermal static, thermal cycling and thermal balance tests
In 2016 we designed and made our first freeze-drying machine.
2017-2023 we designed, produced and sold 100+ sublimators from 5 to 200 kg of sublimated ice
Lean more about sublimation here
Since 2015 we have been suppliers of custom made  high vacuum stations.

2016 – 2022 we renovate and made several vacuum deposition systems for semiconductor and optical production